Configuring WS_FTP LE to Access Your Website

Accessing your hosting account with WS_FTP LE is extremely simple, and no different then how you would configure WS_FTP LE to access other FTP sites.

  1. Start WS_FTP LE.  You should be in the Session Properties dialog box, hit Connect if you do not see the Session Properties dialog box.
  2. Click New
  3. Enter a name you want to identify your account or your domain name in the Profile Name Box .
  4. Enter in the Host Name/Address box.  You can enter either your FTP address ( or the temp FTP address in this box.  Your FTP information can be found in the Account Information Section of the control panel.  Note: your FTP address will not work until your domain name is transferred.
  5. Enter your username in the User ID box.
  6. Enter your password in the Password box. Optional: Check Save Pwd will save your FTP password in the profile.
  7. Click on the Startup Tab
  8. Make sure Initial Remote Site Folder is left blank.
  9. Click on Advanced Tab.
  10. Check Passive transfer if it is not already checked.
  11. Hit OK.
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