How do I open an existing project on your server?

To?open a?Visual Studio .NET?project from?your? hosting account, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Make sure FrontPage extensions have been installed on your site, through the hosting control panel.
  2. Select "File -> Open -> Project from web".
  3. Enter the URL to your site,, in the dialogue.
  4. Click "Ok"
  5. Enter your username and password when prompted. This is the same as you would use to access your control panel and/or FTP.
  6. Double click the project file you want to open.
  7. If you are prompted with a "Web Access Failed" dialogue, select "Try to open the project with FrontPage Server extensions". You will then need to re-enter your username and password like in Step 5.

If you need further information, please create a support ticket from the control panel.

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