Shared SSL Folders

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the standard security technology for creating an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browser remain private and integral.

Shared SSL folder is a virtual directory on your site, that?can be used to?protect transactions, passwords, personal details, etc.?Shared SSL folders?are used?in form https://my-domain/my-folder

Viewing Shared SSL Folders

To view the list of shared SSL folders, click Shared SSL Folders menu item on your space page. Shared SSL Folders page will open.??

Adding Shared SSL Folder

To add a new shared SSL folder

  1. Open Shared SSL Folders page and click Create SSL Folder button. Add Shared SSL Folder page will open.
  2. Choose?domain in the Domain box.
  3. Type the name of the virtual directory in the Directory Name box.
  4. Type or browse the location of the SSL folder in the Folder box.
  5. Click Create Folder button. Shared SSL Folder Properties page will open.
  6. Setup shared SSL folder properties. For more details, see Configuring Web Site.

Deleting Shared SSL Folder

To delete shared SSL folder, open Shared SSL Folders page.?Choose SSL folder?you wish to delete and click on the folder name. Shared SSL Folder Properties page will open.?Finally, click Delete button.

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