Data Source Names (DSNs) allow you to access the data from an external database management system?through an ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) driver.?For example, you can install a Microsoft Access ODBC driver, create a connection to external Microsoft Access database, and let your web applications use this database for storing their data.

To view the list of ODBC Data Sources, click ODBC DSNs menu item on your space page. ODBC Data Sources page will open.

To add a new ODBC Data Source,?click Create ODBC DSN button. ODBC DSN Properties page will open.???

In the Data Source Name box, type the name of your ODBC Data Source. Select the required driver in the ODBC Driver box.?Fill in the relevant driver settings. Typically, you should specify the path to the database, user credentials and other connection options, depending on the selected driver. Finally, click Save button.

To delete ODBC Data Source, open ODBC Data Sources page.?Choose ODBC Data Source that you wish to delete and click on the data source?name. ODBC DSN Properties page will open.?Finally, click Delete button.

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