Mail Domains

A Mail domain is the name associated with the last half of an email address, it resides after the @ symbol. (e.g. in, is the mail domain.

Viewing Mail Domains

To view the list of mail domains, click Mail >> Domains menu item on your space page. Mail Domains page will open.

Adding Mail Domain Aliases

Mail domain pointers allow you to link mail domain with different domains, i.e. create mail domain aliases.

To add a mail domain pointer, open Mail Domains page. Choose your domain and click on the domain name. Mail Domain Properties page will open. Click Add Pointer button. Add Mail Domain Pointer page will open.

Select an existing domain from the drop-down box and click Add button. New mail domain pointer will be created.

Setting Catch-All Account

A catch-all mail account receives e-mails addressed to undefined or nonexistent users. For example, if an e-mail is addressed to but the username "joe" does not exist on that domain, the email is automatically routed to the catch-all account.

To set a catch-all account for your mail domain, open Mail Domains page. Choose your domain and click on the domain name. Mail Domain Properties page will open.

Choose mail account in the Catch-All Account box and click Update button.

Detaching Mail Domain

"Detach" function removes the information about the mail domain from the DNP meta-base only, but does not delete the mail domain physically. To detach mail domain, open Mail Domains page. Choose domain that you wish to detach and click Detach link.

Deleting Mail Domain

To delete mail domain, open Mail Domains page. Choose domain that you wish to delete and click on the domain name. Mail Domain Properties page will open. Finally, click Delete button

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