IIS 7 Media Pack

Our IIS 7 servers provide media specific extensions that make Web server delivery of media simple and cost-effective thanks to the IIS 7 Media Pack module. Building on the security, reliability, and manageability of IIS 7.0, IIS Media Pack 1.0 protects media assets as it increases scalability by supporting more concurrent users per server. IIS supports 11 media file types by default, including Windows Media Video (.wmv), Flash Video (.flv), and MPEG-4 (.mp4), and provides a great way to use your existing Web infrastructure to deliver compelling rich media content to clients such as Microsoft Silverlight.

IIS Media Pack 1.0 includes the Bit Rate Throttling and Web Playlists extensions for IIS 7.0, which enable you to:
? Save bandwidth costs by throttling the speed at which content is downloaded
? Decrease network traffic by metering your media deliveries
? Monetize media assets with Web playlists that personalize content and prevent ad skipping
? Intelligently deliver multiple media formats from a single server, including .wmv, .flv, and .mp4 files

Bit Rate Throttling
Bit Rate Throttling lets Web server administrators meter the delivery of multiple media file types as well as data. By controlling how fast or how much data is downloaded to the client, site operators can see significant bandwidth cost savings for rich media content that has a high drop-off rate. Additionally, by controlling how much data is sent to the client, the number of concurrent users per server will increase.

more info: http://www.iis.net/extensions/BitRateThrottling

Web Playlists
Web Playlists let you deliver server-controlled media playlists from your Web server infrastructure rather than using a dedicated streaming server.? They enable you to control whether clients can Seek or Skip for each media asset, which lends itself very well to monetizing your content with pre-roll and in-stream ads. Web Playlists also obfuscate the location of media assets from the end user, and prevent client-side caching of those assets.

more info: http://www.iis.net/extensions/WebPlaylists

Both features of the IIS7 Media Pack may be managed via feature delegation.

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