Transferring SQL 2005 databases

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to transfer your current SQL Server 2005 database to the SQL 2005 server.



  • Right click your database name in the database node, click tasks then Import Data...
  • The SQL server Import and Export Wizard will start, click next on the welcome page.
  • In Choose a Data Source page, enter the following information:
    Data Source: SQL Native Client
    Server name: [the Name or IP of the source server (your server)]
    Authentication: [If you are using SQL Server Authentication, type in your username and password. Note: You can also use Windows Authentication if the SQL server is a local server. ]
    Database: Choose your local database from the "Database" field, click Next.
  • In Choose a Destination page, enter the following information:
    Destination: SQL Native Client
    Server Name: [The SQL server name provided by and listed in your control panel]
    Authentication: Choose SQL Server Authentication, enter your SQL 2005 database username and password.
    Database: Choose your database name [provided by], click Next
  • In Specify Table Copy or Query page, choose Copy data from one or more tables or views, click Next
  • In Select Source Tables and Views page, select the tables and views you need to copy to the remote server, then click Next
  • In Save and Execute Package page, check Execute immediately and click Finish.
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