How do I get FrontPage Save Result Bot to upload a file?

FrontPage Save Result Bot has multiple functions:

  • Save Form result to a file
  • Send Form result to an email address
  • Allow user to upload a file

If your upload function keeps asking for your username and password during upload, please make sure you do the following:

  1. Open web with FrontPage client
  2. Open the HTML page containing the Save Result Bot
  3. Right click on the Save Result Bot Form and select Form Properties
  4. Click Options, Goto The File Upload Tab
  5. Note the Destination Folder Name
  6. Exit the Form Properties Window
  7. Right click the destination directory?in the Folder List in the main FrontPage Interface and select Properties
  8. Uncheck "Allow scripts to be run"
  9. Check both "Allow anonymous upload to this directory" and "Allow upload files to overwrite existing filenames"
  10. Click OK.
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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