Scheduled Tasks

If you need to run some tasks on your site at specific time, use the task scheduler on your provider's server to make the system automatically run the tasks for you.?

Viewing Scheduled Tasks

To view the list of scheduled tasks,?click?Scheduled Tasks menu item?on your space page. Scheduled Tasks page?will open.

Adding New Tasks


To create?a new scheduled task

  1. Click Add Scheduled Task button. Scheduled Task Properties page?will open.
  2. In the Task Name box, type the name of your task.
  3. In the Task Type drop-down box, select type of the task.
  4. Specify task parameters depending on the task type.
  5. Specify when to run your task?by selecting the appropriate values in the Schedule section.
  6. Specify whether task is enabled or not in the Enabled check box.
  7. Select the task priority in the?Priority box. Task priority can be set to Below?Normal or Low.
  8. Specify execution time limit in the Max Execution Time field.
  9. Click Save to schedule the task.

Suspending??Scheduled Task

To suspend a scheduled task

  1. Open Scheduled Tasks page.?
  2. Choose a task that you wish to suspend and click on the task name. Scheduled Task Properties page will open.?
  3. Uncheck Enabled check box.
  4. Click Save button.

Starting?Scheduled Task

To start a scheduled task

  1. Open Scheduled Tasks page.?
  2. Choose a task that you wish to run and click?the Run button.
  3. Task will run and status will change to Running.

Deleting?Scheduled Task

To delete a scheduled task

  1. Open Scheduled Tasks page.?
  2. Choose a task that you wish to delete and click on the task name. Scheduled Task Properties page will open.?
  3. Click Delete button.


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